Sois Belle candles is a small business providing you with the highest quality, all natural handmade soy candles in our studio in Amsterdam. We started Sois Belle with the idea of creating candles that are all natural and unique as a product. With using the best soy wax, quality fragrance and premium wooden and cotton wicks we underwent months of testing before we finally came up with products we could be proud of.

We take pride in the quality of our materials, accessible prices and our dedication to the art of hand crafting beautiful candles. Each of our candles are wicked, poured and labeled by hand, making every candle unique of its own. We don’t see our candles just as a product, but more as an addition to your house and experience for yourself!

Why do we use soy wax?

Soy candles are made from soy beans, a natural and renewable source. This is in contrast to traditional paraffin candles which are made from petroleum and is non-renewable. Petroleum contains carcinogenic substances which are harmful to our bodies. Natural soy wax also has a lower melting point than paraffin, which means your candle will burn cooler and last longer! Sois Belle candles uses 100% soy wax for all of our candles. We don’t see our candles as a product but more as an addition to your house and experience for yourself!